发布时间:2017-11-12 22:57:02    作者:    点击:[]

姓名 郝松


出生年月 1982.2 学历 研究生
学位 博士

专业技术职务 讲师
所在一级学科名称 设计学
所在二级学科名称 产品设计


2013.06至今 伟德国际1946bv官网 伟德国际1946bv官网 教师

2018.03-2019.03 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 设计学院 访问学者

2010.10-2011.10 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 材料工程学院联合培养博士


[1] Chen A., Hao S.*,Exploring the effects of different BCI-based attention training games on the brain: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study,Neuroscience Letters.2024

[2] Yan D.N., Hao S.*,The influence of extrovert-introvert personality on children’s cortical activation with attention training systems,Neuroscience Letters.2023

[3] Hao S., An effect simulation method on ceramic tool materials with needle-like phases, Material Science and Environmental Engineering,978-981-3143-40-1, 2016

[4] Hao S. *, Huang C.Z., Three-dimensional simulation of nano-composite ceramic tool materials, Advanced Materials Research, 1052, pp. 86-90, 2014

[5] Hao S., Huang C.Z.*, Zou B., Wang J., Liu H.L., Zhu H.T., Three-dimensional simulation of the effects of particles on microstructure evolution for three-phase nano- composite ceramic tool materials, Computational Materials Science, 65, pp.243–254, 2012

[6] Hao S., Huang C.Z.*, Zou B., Wang J., Liu H.L., Zhu H.T., Three dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of microstructure evolution in presence of pores for three-phase nano- composite ceramic tool materials, Advanced Materials Research, 457–458, pp.1567–1572, 2012

[7] Hao S., Huang C.Z.*, Zou B., Wang J., Liu H.L., Zhu H.T., Three dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of microstructure evolution in presence of pores and impurities for three- phase nano-composite ceramic tool materials, Advanced Materials Research, 500, pp.531–536, 2012

[8] Hao S., Huang C.Z.*, Zou B., Wang J., Liu H.L., Zhu H.T., Phase-field simulation of three dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of microstructure evolution of three- phase nano-composite ceramic tool materials. Tool technology, 46(3), pp8–12, 2012

[9] 郝松, 黄传真, 邹斌, 刘含莲,朱洪涛. 三维三相纳米复合陶瓷刀具材料微观组织的相场法模拟. 工具技术, 2012, 46(3), pp8–12

[10] Hao Song, Huang C.Z.*, Zou B., Wang J., Liu H.L., Zhu H.T., Three dimensional simulation of microstructure evolution for ceramic tool materials, Computational Materials Science, 2011, 50, pp.3334–3341

















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